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Tiens' Natural Health and Wellness Products



Stop worrying about your health. Learn about the natural way of staying healthy. Act NOW. Choose nature! Choose TIENS! 

Do you have serious health challenges? Are you over weight or too thin?Are you weak, stressed, or you are suffering from prolonged state of ill-health? Your worrying days will soon be over.

Do you wish to look younger, physically fit and radiant? Are you skeptical about taking drugs because most drugs have side effects and may accumulate toxins which may cause permanent damages to your body?  Do not worry, we have natural key to health and will share it with you! Our method is proven and natural, no side effect which can give you the key to health.


Popular Product of the Month
Antilipemic Tea
Antilipemic Tea is extracted from Green Tea, and five other herbs. 
  • Can help to reduce fat, 
  • reduces internal heat, 
  • reduces blood lipids, serum and weight
  • Purify the Cardiovascular system and the heart, 
  • Improve sight
  • Reliefs inflammation and clears away toxic materials 
  • Keeps body healthy

1 tea bag in hot water for 10 minutes, 1-2 times daily 









Do You Know that Modern Way of Living is Unnatural and Unhealthy?  

·      Rapid pace of modern life takes its toll on our body and mind in many ways. Many people still do not know how to cope with the pressure and stress they faced at work.

·      You will find that inadequate diet and lack of exercise are not uncommon. The amount of stress from modern and hectic lifestyle for most people is reaching a relative proportion.

·      As a result, our body is usually physically out of balance. When being treated by doctors, we often do not seek the root of the problem

 Do You also Know that Our Planet is Full of Hazardous Pollutants and Radio-Active Toxic Wastes?

·     Pollution from air-borne gases emanating from air-planes, automobiles, factories, power generators, effluents and wastes from factories running on fossil fuels. Wastes of radioactive elements used in nuclear plants, and emergence of drug resistant germs posing serious health challenges to the World.

·       Global warming and unpredictable natural disasters has added a new dimension to the hectic lifestyle of people.

Is there any way out of these problems?

Yes there is and you too can benefit from the array of products which will not only return you back to good health, but also prevent you from falling ill again. The only way out is the Chinese Approach to Health! 

In the East, the Chinese has been applying a holistic approach to maintain a healthy lifestyle for over 5000 years. In other words, Chinese tend to look for the root of the problem and seek to create a state of health where illness and poor health conditions are less likely to occur.

In general, Chinese have followed the old adage that "Prevention is Better than Cure".

For years, the Chinese have known that the secret to health and longevity is all four steps - Cleansing, Replenishing, Strengthening, and Balancing the body.

This is the bedrock of Tiens Natural Health Food Supplements and machines.