Zinc has been considered an essential element
since the 15th century. It activates more than 100 different enzymes in the
body, including visual and digestive enzymes. Studies show that zinc accounts
for one-sixth of the brain. It is core to advanced thinking, important in
learning language and storing information. Zinc deficiency may lead to memory
loss, movement impediment and muddled thinking. It may cause early onset of
The amount of zinc added in Tiens Zinc supplement is in line with an individual’s
recommended daily nutritional needs. Each capsule contains 0.8-1.2mg zinc.
Zinc can be derived from food, vegetable and meat, but the absorption rate
depends on the person’s stomach acid concentration and other factors that may
make absorption and utilization difficult. This supplement is composed of
lactic Zinc, which has a high rate of absorption, but not the pernicious
effects of phytate and phytic acid. It is the ideal supplement and, we can
confidently say, the best zinc for every adult. It also contains glucose and
egg protein powder.
Essential for normal growth and development of reproductive organs
It is useful in the maintenance of viscera organs in the body
It helps eye health by converting Vitamin A to its biologically active form to
fight foggy vision & short sightedness.
It combats infertility, low sperm count, impotence, hormonal imbalances and
It helps libido by improving sex drive and preventing premature ejaculation.
It helps prevent cancers and stomach ulcers.